Binge Eating

Do you feel out of control with certain foods?

Are there certain times of the day where you feel you overeat to the point of becoming uncomfortably full? Perhaps it is around specific types of foods, like sweets or foods high in fat? Does this type of eating lead to feelings of guilt, disgust, or depression?

There is a way to break out of this cycle. We would love to support you through that process!

Does any of this resonate with you?

  • You eat until feeling uncomfortably full

  • Eating typically happens alone due to feeling embarrassed

  • You eat much faster than normal

  • You have a tendency to eat large amounts of food when not feeling physically hungry

  • You feel guilty, disgusted, or depressed after eating

If you relate to some of these things, you may be struggling with binge eating.

You cannot tell if someone is struggling with their relationship with food or body image simply by looking at them.

Here’s how we can help…

At Olive Tree RD, we will first want to learn about your food and body image story starting from a young age. Were you put on diets as a kid? Forced to see a personal trainer? All of these things can impact your relationship with food, exercise and body image. After learning what your goals are, we will gently guide you towards adequate nourishment, free from rigid food rules, through nonjudgmental approach. We do not believe in diets or depriving yourself of any food or food group. We always honor each individual’s dietary preferences (that includes Veganism!) and would be more than happy to work with you on any meals you find challenging, by offering meal support sessions.